The PSP resolution limit is 480x270, you can play .mp4 videos AS LONG as the video resoluton is at or under 480x270. I know this because I found it out through experience (and I only have one vdeo big enough for it [BEEP] oh well).
The screen resolution on the PSP 2000 is 480x272.
No, the video you may have seen of it running on a PSP is just a video being played on a PSP.
First using a video downloader to download youtube video,as psp not support FLV video, you can convert video to mp4 fromat. Video Download Studio can help you save YouTube video to psp.
Itunes, Or you can download music video with Video Download Studio, it can download video from online video sharing webs. Then convert them to mp3 format for your psp.
You can't connect a PSP-E1004 to a TV because it has no Video-out.
The screen resolution on the PSP 2000 is 480x272.
the PSP resolution is 480x272.
the psp cant play flv files boss you need to convert it to mpeg 4 and then only the psp can play the video file make sure that you convert it 480*272 resolution not higher than this
all psp support video player
Your video has to be MP4 format. You have to connect PSP and computer then you drag and drop the video file in the PSP VIDEO folder.
They may not be the correct resolution for the screen (too good or bad for them to be played). It is probably best for you to download a video converter for a PSP and then use that before putting them on a PSP.
mp4 or PSP Video format
They may not be the correct resolution for the screen (too good or bad for them to be played). It is probably best for you to download a video converter for a PSP and then use that before putting them on a PSP.
A PSP video converter is any tool that can convert videos into a format that can be played on a Sony PSP.
No, the video you may have seen of it running on a PSP is just a video being played on a PSP.
That would be "psp video 9" and it available online. It is freeware
It's because iPhones and PSP's are not compatible.(they both use a different video format) You need to convert the video to a format the PSP can video conversion software is available online