Any cheats for star wars the force unleashed 2?
There are cheats, but you have to actually complete certain tasks or certain achievements in order to unlock and use the cheats. The cheats menu tells you what you have to do in order to use it.and hear are some cheat codes.Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing)Enter "LIBO" as a code to unlock the Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing).White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom)Enter "SOLARI" as a code to unlock the White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom), which grants more Force Points for enemy kills.Force RepulseEnter "MAREK" as a code to unlock Force Repulse.Lightsaber ThrowEnter "TRAYA" as a code to unlock Lightsaber Throw.MindtrickEnter "YARAEL" as a code to unlock Mindtrick.Boba Fett costumeEnter "MANDALORE" as a code to unlock the Boba Fett costume.Dark Apprentice costumeEnter "VENTRESS" as a code to unlock the Dark Apprentice costume.Experimental Jedi Armor (good apprentice) costumeEnter "NOMI" as a code to unlock the Experimental Jedi Armor (good apprentice) costume.General Kota costumeEnter "RAHM" as a code to unlock the General Kota costume.Jump Trooper costumeEnter "AJP400" as a code to unlock the Jump Trooper costume.Nemoidian costumeEnter "GUNRAY" as a code to unlock the Nemoidian costume.Rebel Commando costumeEnter "SPECFORCE" as a code to unlock the Rebel Commando costume.Rebel Trooper costumeEnter "REBELSCUM" as a code to unlock the Rebel Trooper costume.Saber Guard costumeEnter "MORGUKAI" as a code to unlock the Saber Guard costume.Scout Trooper costumeEnter "HARPER" as a code to unlock the Scout Trooper costume.Sith Acolyte costumeEnter "HAAZEN" as a code to unlock the Sith Acolyte costume.Sith Training Droid costumeEnter "HOLODROID" as a code to unlock the Sith Training Droid costume.Stormtrooper costumeEnter "TK421" as a code to unlock the Stormtrooper costume.