well...its clearly unknown there no information about it but its used to make arceus into an unkown arceus. that's all i know.
sealaceon ruins has unowns a-z!
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
There is no Unknown Plate for Arceus, there are only plates for each type.
What is the pokemon pearl ID?
There is no mime jr. on Pokemon pearl. On diamond there is mime jr. on Pokemon pearl there is bonsly
I've overheard discussion over getting the unknown plate for arceus in Pokemon diamond and pearl. They say you have to catch arceus without a master ball to find and obtain the unknown plate(or ??? plate). I don't know the whereabouts or how to get it, but I have seen it. If you use the action replay code "all items" (1) when you go to the pouch titled "battle items", it will freeze and (2) it will NOT give you the unknown plate. This is why I believe the Unknown Plate is eaither just a myth or impoosible to obtain.
There is 28: A-Z, ! and ?
Helps you get an Unknown.
Yes; the flame plate.
All it can learn is hidden power. Sorry! Unknown person.......
In the Underground
the splah plate is to up water pokemon's moves and make them stronger
in the dead end floors
Dig underground and it should be there
on Pokemon you go to surulen cave in surulen and cach them with a masterball
The unknown pokemon rare pokemon that u have to cath