The line above the letter á is an acute accent.
The general term for these lines or marks is a diacritic.
the name for the cross on a letter t is called a tisten the name for the cross on a letter t is called a tisten
The thing that hangs over any window to keep the sun out is called an awning.
there called shiny Pokemon and of course there's such a thing
what 5 letter word begins with s- a living thing-second 5 letter word ending in d
The cross of the lower case letter "t" is called a tisten. The dot over the lower case letter "i" is called a tiddle.
Assuming you mean caret (^) it's called a circumflex when it's over a letter, such as Ĉ.
It is called making a choice or decision.
It is called tittle
The double dot over the letter "u" is called an "umlaut" in the German language. The dot over the "i" and "j" is called the "tittle". The cross over the "t" is often just referred to as the cros
rattu tota
the name for the cross on a letter t is called a tisten the name for the cross on a letter t is called a tisten
What is the carrot over a letter called? Assuming you mean caret (^) it's called a circumflex when it's over a letter, such as Ĉ. How do you put accents over letters ...from Esther malemba in y3 goes to flora gardens school
There's no such thing as over packing your bowl
The mark over the letter 'n' in Spanish is called a tilde, and it is used to create the letter "ñ." This letter is pronounced like the "ny" in the English word "canyon."
The line over a letter in phonetics is called a "macron". It indicates a long vowel sound.
the crosses at the top and bottom of the letter I are called "randies"