Digihygrophobia, this was my initial suggestion. But now I believe Dactylohygrophobia maybe more accurate.
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nail polish
Wash hands with soap and water. Remove any nail polish with nail polish remover and a cotton ball. Soak each hand in acetone nail polish remover for 20 minutes and remove tips with a cuticle stick by prying them off. If you feel pain, soak longer. Buff nails with a buff block to remove any residue and moisturize with hand lotion. To prevent more damage, have tips taken off at a professional nail sallon.
Night light Night gown Nickels Nail polish
Poop help nail polish get off.
finger nail polish remover, or acetone.
yes,they do grow with finger nail polish on.
Finger Nail Polish Remover
There is no specific name for someone with a fear of people wearing nail polish. This is a very common phobia that people have. ÊAlektorophobia is the fear of chickens.
skin or nail polish
This is a very good question, and shows you are enquisitive and thoughtful. It stays on your nails because it has a strong acid; hydrogen peroxide, which corrodes your nails (only by 0.0001 mm) and sticks on because it is a type of enamel. The fact it corrodes the nail may seem scary, but it does explain why your nails weaken: as your nail is corroded by 0.0001 mm, if you put the polish on your nails 10,000 times, you would have corroded a whole mm of nail. As your nail is approx. 1 mm, this is a freaky thought. This is why nail experts suggest you use a special type of polish without the h. peroxide, which doesn't corrode.I hope this helps
Nanotechnology in nail polish allows for enhanced properties such as durability, scratch-resistance, and quicker drying time. Nanoparticles can also provide better adhesion to the nail surface and improve the overall finish and appearance of the nail polish.
Try finger nail polish remover or acetone. Make sure you have plenty of ventilation for either of these.
The Chinese made nail polish a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time ago.
The nail polish is like adhesive, it shouldn't be a problem but if it chips it cause irritation at the most. The body would push it out eventually.
Acetone -the main ingredient in finger nail polish remover can be purchased at most paint stores- I would apply acetone to the sheets-let soak and vigorously rub stain until the polish disolves and then wash separately in the washer- or in the kitchen sink