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A mark ( ¸ ) placed beneath the letter c, as in the spelling of the French word garçon, to indicate that the letter is to be pronounced (s).

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Q: What is the symbol under the letter c in facade called?
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What symbol is a c with a dash below it?

The symbol you are referring to is called a "cedilla." It is a diacritical mark placed under the letter "c" to indicate a soft "c" sound, as in the word "ç" in French, Portuguese, and Catalan.

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Facade is one. :/ It means fake, like a disguise, unreal, lie. They could tell she was a facade because her mask was drooping off her face. (in facade, it usually has a little slanted line above the "e")My edit: Actually facade doesn't have an accent on the e. It has a cedilla (which looks like the bottom half of an s) under the c, which softens the c to make a "ssss" sound instead of a "k" sound.

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The "s" on top of an "s" symbol is typically used in mathematics to represent integration and is called the integral symbol. It is used to denote the process of finding the area under a curve or the accumulation of a quantity over an interval.

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Fiat trades under the symbol F on the Italian Stock Market. It trades in the US under the ticker symbol FIATY on the pink sheets.

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Puma trades under the ticker symbol PUMG on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It also trades in the US on the pink sheets under the symbol PMMAF

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this ? .....In music, I suspect the questioner is asking about what is called a fermata.There is a picture of it in the wikipedia article on fermata.

What is the mark placed under a letter called?

The mark placed under a letter is called an underscore. It is often used in writing and typography for emphasis or to indicate spaces in URLs or file names.

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