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Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." The answer to your question is boldfaced.

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Q: What is the subject being compared to all men and women merely players?
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How do you get banned from Marapets?

You get banned on Marapets from begging other players and being disruptive. Also, you can get caught cheating

Which one is better on Free Realms pixie or humans?

they're both awesome, but if you pick pixie, be careful, some scrub players are really "racist" to pixies (i.e. Myheart2u2), but most of the players worth being around wont be like that to you.

What is a word that starts with j and ends in I?

Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Players Dictionary includes the 5 letter word jinni. It is a valid scrabble word that means a supernatural being in Muslim mythology. The word has a scrabble point value of 12 points.

Who starts in scrabble?

Every player draws a tile from the bag, and whomever has the lowest letter gets to go first. The other players go in order of the letters they have drawn - A being the best letter if you want to go first.

How long does a magic tree take to respawn in runescape?

Since these trees are at the top of the woodcutting trees hierarchy, they take a while (usually 2-3 minutes in a medium-sized server) to respawn after being cut down. It's highly recommended for players to change world after cutting another if standing in a spot with a lot of other players. However, since trees respawn faster on busier worlds, another alternative is for players to cut magic trees on busy worlds that don't have many players in the area. For players with a high farming level, it's recommended to plant a magic tree since only the player who planted the tree can cut it. In this case, having a Hydra ( Summoning ) will be greatly helpful since its special move can regrow a tree on a farming patch instantly, resulting in one of, if not the fastest way to cut them.

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What is being compared in the sentence I was merely the blank wall to whom you addressed your words?

'I' is being compared to a blank wall

What is correct one of the players who have or who has?

One of the players who has is correct; this is true because ONE, being the subject, calls for a singular verb. If players were the subject, a plural verb would be correct.

How can basketball players be compared with birds?

Micheal Jordan is a good example of being compared to a bird. They can be compared to bird by how they dunk and/or jump shots or even how high they jump....

Who do guys prefer to date volleyball players or soccer players?

Both! There really is no preference based on the sport you play. It all depends on the girls being compared not the sport.

How is a meteaphor used?

A metaphor is a comparison between to nouns without using the words "like" or "as" Ex. The football players stampeded onto the field. Here the football players are being compared to a herd that is stampeding.

Can you use the word delve as a verb without saying you are delving into something?

To delve (into) a subject or situation is to investigate, explore, or research. It has the connotation of being more thorough than merely "looking into."

How do soccer players get recognition?

Soccer players get recognition by being a good sport.

What do players get for being in the pro bowl?


Is it okay for parents with any beliefs to raise their children?

A:Of course it is, subject only to those beliefs not being in some way contrary to the law of the land. Subject to that proviso, it would be immoral and unethical to seek to remove children from their parents merely because their beliefs differ from the beliefs of those around them.

What are comparison?

when to or more numbers are being compared

What part of speech is the word compared?

The word comparable is an adjective. It means being able to be compared to.

Do NFL players get paid for being in madden?