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Its impossible to have the strongest deck since deck types cancel each other out. For example power decks are weak against defensive decks, defensive decks are weak against burn decks and burn decks are weak against healing decks and healing decks are weak against power decks. But if you really want strong deck then here is an infernity deck:

Effect Monsters

  • Dark Grepher x2
  • Glow-Up Bulb
  • Infernity Archfiend x3
  • Infernity Avenger x2
  • Infernity Beetle x3
  • Infernity Guardian x3
  • Infernity Mirage x3
  • Infernity Necromancer x3
  • Plaguespreader Zombie
  • Stygian Street Patrol x2

Synchro Monsters

  • Ally of Justice Catastor x3
  • Black Rose Dragon x3
  • Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  • Goyo Guardian
  • Infernity Doom Dragon x2
  • Mist Wurm x2
  • Scrap Dragon
  • Stardust Dragon
  • Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  • Dark Hole
  • Foolish Burial
  • Forbidden Chalice
  • Infernity Launcher
  • Lightning Vortex
  • Monster Reborn
  • Mystical Space Typhoon


  • Bottomless Trap Hole x2
  • Dimensional Prison x2
  • Divine Wrath
  • Dust Tornado x2
  • Infernity Force x2
  • Torrential Tribute
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Q: What is the strongest deck in yugioh 5ds over the nexus?
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Well, the minimum in a yugioh deck is 40 cards maximum 80cards. Most people try to have a smaller deck over a larger deck, to get cards they need. About a 40-50 card deck is good.

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The game's full name is Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus.

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Make the deck you want as a recipe. Then go into the deck menu at the top left corner of the screen. Then you press "Save recipe". Then just press one of the spaces. You can do this over ones you've already got but this will overwrite them.

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# # # to chance the deck name on a PSP you first go to the deck edit menu then you press the triangle ( the top button over the o and x button) and the select deck & recipe menu then press change deck name and there u go...

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