Thief class is also: Pirate/rogue thats the thief class
No Class could be either Warrior or Lucky. Both help the armor class a lot.
the no class in aq worlds is from a special event. it was for the event in 2010 thanksgiving event. but if you really want it then you will have to wait till 2011 thanksgiving event (by oemega). If you only hava a member only class, and your subscription runs out, you will also get it.
You should know this already, if not then it's in /join greenguardwest. Talk to the ninja trainer and she has a shop with Ninja class.
the strongest armor in dragonfable is the doom knight armor, but if you are a DA owner, you can purchase 1, but you need to have the DA for 6-24 months.
It depends on your class. Some classes use unstable and others use stable. It also depends on enhancements. So pretty much there is no 'strongest' weapon.
aq dragon class is better.
there is no werewolf class
That isn't a class in aq worlds.
the strongest adventurecoins sword in aq is dragonblade
there is no such class on aq worlds sorry
it depends on your view. theres no all powerful spell
You can't get Leprechaun Class in AQ anymore. You needed to finish the first St. Patrick's Day event and finished the quest for it.
ostriches have the strongest eggs
you can get ninja class from MAZUMI at greenguardwest it cost 15000 >.>.
You have to be GOOD