Medium because you are doing something you love, but you have a certain time to turn it in by. ;p
To design the video game.
Video games keep you out of trouble by releasing your anger out on the game while you are playing then when you come back your stress level has gone down
video game design,computer class, and visual representation class
Research has shown that video game designers can make very good money. There is such a large market for video games and these designers can make on average about $52,000 per year with many making even more.
To design the video game.
At least trigonometry. But they would like you to have calculus too.
Video game programmers are the people that setup the game and do all the mechanical procedures. Video game designers make the games plot and control what happens in the game.
Video game designers
They are different kind of video game designers here are some I know of: 40g-75g Game Designers: $40g-$70g Creative Directors; Lead Designers: $45g- $90g.
They design videogames.
Yes they do
IGDA reports entry level video game designers make between $50,000 and $80,000 annually, averaging $57,500. The highest reported salary was $200,000. Sources:
How much money do video game designers earn if the console sells extremely well?