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Avenged Sevenfold -Not Ready to Die

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Q: What is the song in call of the dead?
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What is the call of the dead opening scean song called?

The song from the opening cinematic of Call of the Dead (featuring the 4 actors and the movie filming) is Partytime by 45 Grave.

What is the song on call of the dead?

Not ready To Die - Avenged Sevelfold

What is the name of the song on call of the dead?

Not Ready To Die by Avenged Sevenfold

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Not Ready To Die by Avenged Sevenfold

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It's Gimme Shelter by Rolling Stones

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Dawn of the Dead - song - was created in 2007.

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Dead Horse - song - was created in 1991.

What is the call of the dead opening scene song called? Party time aww ya >_<

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The song on the dead souls commercial is not a song it is a poem called the spider and the Fly

When was Call for the Dead created?

Call for the Dead was created in 1961.

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When was Land of the Dead - Voltaire song - created?

Land of the Dead - Voltaire song - was created in 2007.