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It is a code needed in order to play the game.

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Q: What is the sims3 serial code?
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Where to find the serial code for the sims3?

If you look on the back of your Sims 3 user manual, the code will be on the very top.

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What is the installing code to the sims3?

There should be a code on the back of your instruction manual at the bottom.

What is the installaion code for sims3?

It's different on every box.

What is the seRAIL code for the sims 3 website?

If you are asking about the serial number of the legal version of the game Sims3 then look on the back of the package it come in near the company logo of the company that developed the program

Is there a cheat code to have a newborn baby on sims3?

Unfortunately, there isn't one.

Where do you find the sims3 code for your ten dollars?

you use the code that is on the manuel, the same one you used to install the game.

Registration code for the sims 3The Sims3?


Can you get pets on sims3?

Yes you can now! You have to have the sims3, by itself, you WILL have to buy the sims3 pets, which you can get from gaming sites, the best one is The :)

What is the product code or sims3 pets for origin?

Jv23 hc49 ffff gd3n Heh heh heh

What is sims3 serical code?

it is the number that is on the back of the box and if u got it downloaded then go to game stop