

Best Answer

here is a website with a secret phrase generator wich will get you some fun backgrounds. instructions are on there

Just so you know this site is in a different language and you can't change it so good luck finding out on you own

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Q: What is the secret phrases in Pokemon HeartGold?
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you must defeat red and he will give it to you

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there is absolutely no secret apricorn in heart gold or soul silver, but good question.

What are the four secret words that you answer to Primo in Pokemon heartgold?

You have to answer anyone you want. He doesnt give you anything.

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There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.

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there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.

Where is Jessie and James in Pokemon HeartGold?

They are not in Pokemon HeartGold

What do you give the lady at the light house Pokemon HeartGold?

secret potion. you can find it at the olivine city in that medicine shop.

How do you get the secret potion in Pokemon HeartGold?

talk to jasmine in the lighthouse at olivine city and then go to cianwood and talk to the pharmasist

What is the secret of the embedded tower in Pokemon heartgold?

Well, you can find Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza in there, but thats no secret. Everybody knows that they're in there. *Cough * sarcasm *cough*

Where is the pokemon transfer lab in Pokemon HeartGold?

where is the pokemon transfer lab in heartgold

Where do you get secret power in Pokemon HeartGold?

you don't. you use it in Pokemon sapphire to make your secret base.

Pokemon HeartGold how do you get the secret portion?

you have to suf from dat city and get to the other town go to the pharmacy and d guy will give it to you