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The Secret ID (SID) is used for the Random Number Generator Abuse (Google it!) or for Pokesav 9Same there!) Used to create cheat codes for Action replay too!

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Q: What is the secret ID in Pokemon pearl for?
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Pokemon Pearl id?

What is the pokemon pearl ID?

What the game ar id for Pokemon pearl?

Pokemon Pearl's game ID is APAE-31D0AFDE.

Is there a secret store in Pokemon Pearl?

Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum are games in the Pokemon series. There is no secret store in Pokemon Pearl version.

What is the action replay code on Pokemon Pearl that shows you a Pokémon's secret id and not yours but the Pokémon's?

Do you have a flashcart? Is the save file .sav then you can use pokesav! Google "Pokemon Pearl Pokesav"

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Pokemon Pearl Version ID For Action Replay APAE 31d0afde

Secret Pokemon in diamond and pearl?

There is no secret Pokemon in diamond and pearl but there are ways to get Pokemon you cant catch on diamond and pearl. For example manaphy. You must clear the manaphy mission on Pokemon ranger. Goodluck with the game!

What is the game ID for Pokemon Pearl?


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What is the ID for Pokemon Pearl version?

The ID in Pokemon pearl version is the number you are assigned from the beginning of the game that determines the winner in Jubilife city, and is used to determine the original owner of a traded Pokemon. Other than that, there is no significance of the ID.

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On pearl what is the bestest secret?

On pearl the best secret probably would have to be is that You are the best trainer in your edition of Pokemon pearl. Nice job. Other than that masumada method of breeding Pokemon actually workd in pearl.