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Muscle overuse results in soreness and stiffnessof the muscles.

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Q: What is the result of muscle overuse?
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What painful muscle condition can result if you use a muscle too much and tear muscle fibers?

A muscle strain can result from overuse of a muscle and tearing of muscle fibers.

A muscle injury resulting from overuse or overstretching?

Strains are common muscle injuries caused by overuse or overstretching.

If tendons are avascular how do you explain tendonits?

The suffix "itis" refers to inflammation, which results from a variety of reasons. Tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendons, which result from a variety of reasons, mostly overuse. Tendons are used to connect bone to muscle, and when the action of pulling the muscle becomes irritating, it becomes inflamed. Even if the tendon is avascular, it can still become inflamed due to overuse.

Resistance training is a great way to build muscle mass but excessive training can cause?

Excessive training can cause an over-trained state, which will result in overuse injuries, hormonal changes, fatigue, and joint paint.

How does the action of the rectus femoris differ from that of the other quadriceps muscles?

This muscle is also used to flex the thigh. The rectus femoris is the only muscle that can flex the hip. Injury to the rectus femoris muscle may result from overuse, as seen with kicking- or sprinting-related injuries. Inflammation of the muscle causes pain in the groin during physical exercises that use this muscle.

A strain is an injury in which a muscle what?

A strain, or pulled muscle, is an injury in which a muscle or its attaching tendons are torn due to overstretching. It is often associated with fatigue, muscle overuse and improper movement.

What is the overuse of a muscle?

The overuse of a muscle is when you overwork or tire out your muscle, and it can be very dangerous. If you carry too much weight for too long or if you exercise for way too long, your muscles will become cramped, and not only will they ache but you could end up pulling a muscle or a hamstring. It's important to stretch before exercising and to not overwork yourself. Know your limits!

Resistance training is a great way to build muscle mass but exessive training can cause?

Excessive training can cause an over-trained state, which will result in overuse injuries, hormonal changes, fatigue, and joint paint.

What population groups tend to get tendonitis?

Tendinitis usually occurs in individuals in middle or old age because it is often the result of overuse over a long period of time. Tendinitis does occur in younger patients as a result of acute overuse.

What does nerve pain in your hands mean?

Frequent, nerve pain in the hands or hand or wrist is a result of overuse or trauma. It could also be a sign of putting to much pressure on the hand or wrist, and is causing bone, muscle, or tissue pain.

What was a result of the stock market farmers problem and the overuse of credit?

the country entered into a depression