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the quickest way to lv. up your Pokemon is...

first,get a rare candy (you only find them in poke balls around the game. or by an event if their is one)next,once you have one go to bag then press A on rare the candy.then, press A on the Pokemon you wont to lv. up.finally,POOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(YOUR)Pokemon will be up ONE!!! LV.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: What is the quickest way to level up on Pokemon diamond?
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you can give them a lot of rare candies

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Battle the elite 4 with the Pokemon you want to level up in your party (make sure the Pokemon has the exp.share equipped with it) therefore you can level your Pokemon up without putting it in battle Hope I helped.

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keep on battling the Pokemon league until level 100 do not go to victory island because the league is the quickest way Hi Im Paul of Kensington but if your having trouble beating the elite four do this when you beat a Pokemon and level up the loose to the next one don't shut it oof just heal and try again

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you must be a very patient person :) THERE IS NO EASY WAY :(