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Nobody knows! except Jiggmin, He won't tell u either!

EDIT: He Used Adobe Flash Professional CS4. -GreenPuffle92/Mmopukcp

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Q: What is the program jiggmin used for make Platform Racing 2?
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What is GP in platform racing 2?

Guild Points. You earn them by beating other players in levels. They do nothing now, but Jiggmin might make a use for them in the future.

What is platform racing 2?

Well, Platform Racing 2 is an online game where you can race your friends or just run around. You can make your own levels in Level Editor. You can create an account or just play as a guest. You can PM people or just add people to your friend list. You can pick servers to play in and each server tells you how many people there are playing. Jiggmin made the game!

How do you make an account on platform racing 3?

You must create a sparkworkz account to make a platform racing 3 account.

What is fh in platform racing 2?

It is not FH, but F@H. F@H stands for 'Folding At (@) Home', a computer program which researches cures for cancer. If you download this program and activate it on your computer, then after a while, you will earn points. You can also choose teams to Fold for. Folding for Team Jiggmin (Team #: 143016) can get you prizes in Platform Racing 2. Folding 1,000 points will give you a +3 rank bonus, at 5,000 points you will be awarded a Crown Hat and at 100,000 points, you will receive a Cowboy Hat. Make sure you Fold with the same username as your Platform Racing 2 username, using underscores (_) as spaces so then YOU will get those prizes. Just remember, it will take a while! :D Good Luck Folding!! :D :D

How you get crown on platform racing2?

Download f@h and fold for Team Jiggmin. Make sure your f@h username is the same as your PR2 username.

Is platform racing 3 out?

Platform Racing 3 is out but you have to go to sparkworkz. You have to make a account on sparkworkz to play it first or you will be a guest. I played it. It is cool. The site is

Platform racing 3 is not out it is January 13 now and its still not out?

Im not sure if you know but Actually the beta is out right now at the full version should come out soon, but the beta is pretty addicting, and it's just that Jiggmin is the kind of producer who likes to make his games pure perfection

When is platform racing 4 coming out?

In late 2012, they'll make a new platformer racing.

How do you make fake blocks in platform racing 2?

search the codes on

Are there any platform racing 1 cheats?

yes there are but a few of them make you sound gay in the chats

Platform racing 2 hack?

You are not a noob if you hack. If you hack you will be know as a hacker. Then many people will know you and ask how you hacked. If you want to hack Platform Racing 2 you have to make sure you will not get caught by a mod temp or adaim. They will let Jiggmin know about the hack he will then find who did it. If you are new at hacking try to find a good hacker who has hacked Platform Racing 2 before. That way you will learn the basics. Then you will become a better hacker. Don't just google how to hack Platform Racing 2, because it could be false information just to get you banned. But do alot of research on it. Cover your tracks really good as you hack. I will search you if you will like me to. I am myself a hacker on Platform Racing to. I do cover my tracks well. I have never been caught. But I have been called a hacker. Also I am ask "how did you do that"? It's fun to hack just don't do it over and over. Keep a good reputation for yourself still. P.M me on Platform Racing 2 I am on alot. Oh and i have crashed Platform racing 2 the whole thing. To be a good hacker I recommend making a clan a.k.a a team. Search me P.M me:why bang this game out when u can play ps3 or xbox Username: haleybug199 Good Luck

How do you get a crown on platform racing?

Download f@h and and configure Username (Platform racing 2 username) Team number:143016 (Jiggmins team) Passkey: you dont need a passkey and you must make 10 Wu WUs are Work Units