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fun gift for everybody that join, your contest

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Q: What is the prize when you enter Geronimo's joke contest?
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How do I enter the joke contest?

WikiAnswers is a question and answer website. We don't actually have joke contests. Sometimes we have answer contests though.

Want to Amp up your rez! Check out the contest video now, and enter to win the Residence Renovation of a lifetime. Learn more: ?

Submissions are until Sept. 13 for videos!!!! This contest is NO JOKE!!!!

Is Geronimo's joke contest going still?


What is the prize for the joke in nickelodeon?

ds\ rw nuur

Who would win in a joke contest Spider-Man or static shock?


What is the address for the Geronimo Stilton Joke Contest?

New Mouse City,Mouse island

Is the Geronimo Stilton joke contest over yet?


What is the best yo moma joke?

yo mama so fugly she entered the fugly contest and they said "soz no pros!"

What are the prizes in a humorous contest?

Prizes in a humorous contest can include items like funny trophies, joke gifts, or humorous certificates. These prizes are usually meant to be light-hearted and bring laughter to the participants.

Hi I received an mail in my id you win yahoo prize Is it a joke or true?

There is NO Yahoo prize of any type. This is a phishing scam trying to get your personal information. Either mark it as SPAM or just delete it.

Has the Nobel Peace Prize now become a joke because Obama won it?

it might___Not sure that it is a joke, but it definitely becomes less meaningful in many people's eyes if it looks like it was given for political reasons rather than for amazingly good works towards peace. I have less respect for the Nobel prize if it is being used for political machinations rather than to award good.

In what year did the word joke enter the English language?

The word "joke" entered the English language in the late 17th century, around the year 1670. It was borrowed from the Latin word "jocus," which means jest or playful remark.