Hopefuly it is expected to be about the same as last years price! Minecraftman3466 out!
20 dollars or 20 euros :D
Minecraft Costs About $26 (changes depending on the currency exchange with the euro) Price Correct on 12/30/2011
The current price is $27. I don't know if they'll raise or lower the price soon though.
if im correct it's the same price as what u would get it for on the pc :(however, i prefer minecraft on the pc$20
Minecraft is not available for 3DS, so there is no price.
No, I am almost certain that minecraft is at a constant price throughout the week.
Hopefuly it is expected to be about the same as last years price! Minecraftman3466 out!
21$ for beta version
Current Price is about 14.95 Euros.
You only pay for minecraft once, and that price is $26.95. However, if you are having a minecraft server, you have to pay $10 a month.
20 dollars or 20 euros :D
You cannot. Sorry, but if you want to customise your skin, is £20 really a high price, for a game like Minecraft?
Minecraft Costs About $26 (changes depending on the currency exchange with the euro) Price Correct on 12/30/2011
The current price for Minecraft is $21.95. There is currently a 25% discount for Minecraft beta. Once the full release is up, the game will charge full price. (People who already bought the game get the full version free.)
The current price is $27. I don't know if they'll raise or lower the price soon though.