The phone number of the Bayou Blue Branch is: 985-580-0634.
Repeatedly use her massaging services for at least five days, and keep it to one Pokemon. After she sees that you have a very good Pokemon (massaged by her five times), she will give you Blue's phone number.
If you watch Pokemon you would know that it is red.
In order to get Blue's phone number, you will have to visit his sister, Daisy, in Pallet Town. From 3 PM (15:00) to 4 PM (16:00), she will be offering massages for Pokemon. Have her massage one of your Pokemon for 5 days, and once the fifth massage is complete, she will give you Blue's phone number. NOTE: she will only give one massage a day.
what is gokus phone number?
The phone number of the American Sign Museum is: 513-541-6366.
The phone number of the Ash Fork Public Library is: 928-637-2442.
The phone number of the Ash Grove Branch Library is: 417-751-2933.
The phone number of the Ash Lawn-Highland is: 434-293-9539.
The phone number of the Ash Enterprises International is: 804-264-8888.
The phone number of the Blue Library is: 928-339-1835.
The address of the Blue Ash is: 4911 Cooper Rd., Blue Ash, 45242 6914
The phone number of the Blue Grass Station is: 319-381-2868.
The phone number of the Blue Lake Library is: 707-668-4207.
The phone number of the Blue Lake Museum is: 707-668-4188.
The phone number of the Blue Rapids Public Library is: 785-363-7709.