

Best Answer

1. small yellow frog 3 times 2. green frog 1 time

3. teal frog 2 times

4. green frog 1 time

5.yellow frog 1 time frog 1 time frog 2 times frog 1 time

9. yellow frog 2 times

10. orange frog 2 times

I am 99% sure this is right i just wrote it down step-by-step so if its wrong i am so so so sorry!

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Q: What is the pattern of the frogs on your sims agents?
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its green red blue blue yellow orange orange and then red 2 times

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easy. memorize the pattern and click on each from in order of the pattern to mimic the song

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The Order Of The Frogs On My Sims Agents DS Is....... Yellow, Yellow, Green, Teal, Teal, Green, Yellow, Red, Dark Red, Dark Red, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Red. Remember, this only works on the DS -Megawot

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There are the stange frogs in his hideout. Play the song on the CD player and try to do the song your self by tapping the frogs it is hard to do and you can not do it because i have the game and that is what i do but it dos not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my sims agents what order do the frogs go in?

yellow yellow green aqua aqua green yellow orange red red orange yellow yellow orange orange

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