The password for mummy hunt 3 is: path 2 P.S this game is really hard btw
Just try! Practice makes perfect... Just try! Practice makes perfect...
you can beat a mummy if you have (high) martial arts skill. that's the way i did it.
World 1-2 password: 5J23t World 1-3 password: 3B17Y World 1-4 password: 7D59U World 2-1 password: 8G43I World 2-2 password: 3Y51P World 2-3 password: 3S41H World 2-4 password: 1Y63M World 3-1 password: 9K62A World 3-2 password: 9B48Q World 3-3 password: 5X81H World 3-4 password: 5G28F World 4-1 password: 6Z39W World 4-2 password: 4C66T World 4-3 password: 7B93J World 4-4 password: 2Q19Z World 5-1 password: 5P38S World 5-2 password: 2R92R World 5-3 password: 2D72Y World 5-4 password: 5Q14A World 6-1 password: 8U13A World 6-2 password: 5H11B World 6-3 password: 6V81Y World 6-4 password: 6X95T World 7-1 password: 8G17L World 7-2 password: 8A76B World 7-3 password: 1V73W World 7-4 password: 0T32P World 8-1 password: 3F15G World 8-2 password: 9P41Z World 8-3 password: 2Q26N World 8-4 password: 8A77W Character passwords 7H0MP 6E7KU 8T9HF 3Q7YX 6F4JW 9C8PK 9P1WL 8E7UC
Surprisingly yes! If you have the expansion pack Sim's 3 world adventures you can collect all of the canopic jars in tombs. Then when at a home or vacation home, reconstruct the sarcophagus and click on it. Choose the action "summon mummy" (be careful, this doesn't work for all sarcophaguses, only certain ones) Then, a mummy joins your household. :) However, if you let your mummy sleep in a sarcophagus too long, then they feel "refreshed" and are no longer a mummy!
just figure out the math problem.
Just try! Practice makes perfect... Just try! Practice makes perfect...
spike8 is the passwod
Bumble Numbers Moon Rocks Pig Toss Math Basketball Inkster Mummy Hunt 1 Night Swimmers Math Soccer Revealer Ball Hogs Puzzler Brain Break Mummy Hunt 2 Bumble Numbers 2 Answer A Question Inkster 2 Moon Rocks 2 Revealer 2 Mummy Hunt 3 Ball Hogs 2 Puzzler 2 Brain Break 2 Night Swimmers 2 Moon Rocks 3 Mummy Hunt 4
that's easy.... 3lrigythgim
Bumble Numbers = RAG5 Moon Rocks = RAM5 Pig Toss = RAT5 Math Basketball = RED5 Inkster = RIM5 Mummy Hunt 1 = RIB5 Night Swimmers = ROD5 Math Soccer = ROB5 Revealer = RUB5 Ball Hogs = RUG5 Puzzler = RUN5 Brain Break = RACE5 Mummy Hunt 2 = RAFT5 Bumble Numbers 2 = RAIN5 Answer A Question = RAKE5 Inkster 2 = RAMP5 Moon Rocks 2 = RARE5 Revealer 2 = REEF5 Mummy Hunt 3 = RICH5 Ball Hogs 2 = RIPE5 Puzzler 2 = RISK5 Brain Break 2 = ROAD5 Night Swimmers 2 = ROAR5 Moon Rocks 3 = ROOF5 Mummy Hunt 4 = ROSE5 Finish = ROCKS5
Well actually the passwords change once in a while but you can try (FAD8).
Sorry guys but there is no mighty guy/girl 3. So you'll have to find a different game.
Beat Bubble Numbers (ram8) Beat Moon Rock (rat8) Beat Pig Toss (red8) Beat Math Basketball (rim8) Beat Inkster (rib8) Beat Mummy Hunt 1 (rod8) Beat Night Swimmers (rob8) Beat Math Soccer (rub8) Beat Revealer (rug8) Beat Ball Hogs (run8) Beat Puzzler (race8) Beat Brain Break (raft8) Beat Mummy Hunt 2 (rain8) Beat Bubble Numbers (rake8) Beat ????? (ramp8) Beat Inkster 2 (rare8) Beat Moon Rock 2(reef8) Beat Reavealer 2(rich8) Beat Mummy Hunt 3(ripe8) Beat Ball Hogs 2(risk8) Beat Puzzler 2(road8) Beat Brick Break 2(roar8) Beat Night Swimmers 2(roof8) Beat Moon Rock 3(rose8) Beat Mummy Hunt 4(fad8) Mummy Hunt 4 is the last level of the Math arcade They are all in order