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Q: What is the password for classroom game level 7?
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What are the codes for bunny vs world game?

Level 1: (No password) Level 2: tehbunny Level 3: productplacement Level 4: evilpenguins Level 5: password Level 6: winonyarder Level 7 (Home): iamcrazy

What is the password for security game for level 5?

5. Cold 6. Heat 7. Gun etc.

The Never Ending Level Game?

Never Ending Level Game Walkthrough: Level 4 Click the "v" Level 5 Type (using keyboard) the background color of the screen, ie. green Level 7 Click the edge of the rectangle Level 8 Password: fire Level 9 Click the blue triangle at the bottom-left corner Level 12 Password: 144 Level 13 Click button 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 in order Level 14 Password: cake Level 15 Watch lower-left corner, there is a flashing text Password: American pie Level 17 Click somewhere in the fourth edge counting from the left Level 18 Type "b" Level 19 Try to re-order the letters and get the password Password: special Level 20 Click the black rectangle, it will become smaller and smaller, keep clicking on it, the password is the number of times you clicked Password: twelve Level 21 You can drag to move the screen! Follow the path and you will find the exit Level 23 Password: 1967 Level 25 Drag away the green rectangle, move the yellow thing up, click the red rectangle Level 26 Password: nogatnep Level 27 Click to clear the red boxes Password: GOLDIE Level 28 Click the button, click the Back button, click the button again, and click the Back button, and click the button again Level 29 Type "#&P<" and move the red rectangle, and then click the arrow Level 31 Type "e", click the right square, type "3", "1", click the left square, type "v", click the right square, click the left square, type "l", "e", click the middle square, type "L" (upper case) Level 34 Click the green button, click the center of the swirl, repeat these two things again and again and again... until the swirl got Level 35 Password: canHam Level 37 Password: 8^B+ Level 39 Drag the arrows by following the direction Password: pennywise Level 40 Type "k", "w", "0", ".", "+", "(", "@" Level 41 Wait for a long time, be patient, it leads you to the light side of the force ^^ Click the red button when it appears Level 42 Password: 76330 Level 43 Drag the text to upper-left corner, find the invisible button on the screen (the mouse pointer will change), drag the invisible button upwards, you will get the exit Level 44 Click the squares in the following order: light yellow, light green, light blue, brown, dark yellow, dark blue, dark green, red Level 45 Click the button according to the order of the color of the letters of "Level 45" Level 46 Input "super impossible!!!!", and then type "OMFG" Level 47 Move away the rectangle (be patient, you need to move a LOT of them) Level 48 Drag the screen from right to left, when the black line pass through the exit button, click on the button Level 50 Drag the green frame downwards, you will find a red frame inside the green one, move the two frames on the "x", you will find the exit Level 51 Type the letters (words) that shown on the screen (When you type a letter, the next letter will be found) Level 52 Click on the second square counting from the left and second counter from the bottom Level 53 Click the triangle of 1, the wheel will turn. When you find another triangle at the hole, click the triangle of 2. When you find another triangle at the hole again, click the triangle of 3. When you find the last triangle at the hole, click the triangle of 4. At the hole, you will find the exit button, click on it Level 54 Password: pants Level 55 Type "1", "2", "3", "4", the password is "10" Level 56 Just click the buttons (ignore the description ^^) Level 57 Click the squares one by one in clockwise direction Password: rewind Level 58 Use Tab and Enter Key to hit all the stars Level 59 Password: leaf Level 60 Click on the screen with patient. Password is "week" Level 61 Close all the windows and you will find the clue Password: gnome Level 62 Drag away the titles (Level 62) until you get the blue rectangle, move the rectangle around and you will find 2^66 Password: 73786976294838206464 Level 64 Password is 1000's "a" Level 65 Use Tab key and then Enter key repeatedly Level 66 Type "Level 66", drag away all white letters, click on the black letters Password: CHEESUS Level 67 Do not touch the mines, move the mouse pointer around and you will find some red circles, click on them Password: N62T4HH@3 Level 68 Move the squares by dragging on them, you will find the clue of the password Password: thepasswordisallthewordsinthissentenceexceptforthespaces Level 69 Reorder the letters according to the color: "What is my name in capitals" Password: CLARENCE Level 70 Password: random Level 71 OFF | ON ON | OFF Password: NEUTRAL Level 72 Click 100 times. Password: button Level 73 Press the right key (->) until the screen is covered by green color, click the button. Input "lemon" and then input "berry" Level 74 Click the buttons in this sequence "R89NHXXM6BA338" (yellow letters), the password will be found. Password: I love this game Level 75 Use the mouse pointer, follow the path, wait until the hair line gone, and then click the square. Level 76 Move the arrow to the four corners, wait and found the numbers at the opposite side, match the numbers with the color. Password: 14159265 Level 77 Click "Ready", to move the mouse pointer to the exit, use Alt-Tab to switch the window, use the mouse to the position of exit, use Alt-Tab again to come back to the game window, click the exit button. (or right click the mouse button while moving the mouse pointer) Level 78 Click according to the color shown. You need to click in right speed. (If the speed is right, the number at the top will be decreased) Password: LOYAK Level 79 Click the objects according to the color on the mouse pointer, remember the sequence Password: 3589793 Level 80 You should find something inside the mouse pointer. Click the green button (inside the mouse pointer), click the "j" (also inside the mouse pointer), you will find the clue (of course, inside the mouse pointer) Password: password Level 81 Drag away the red colors, it will leave you with a blue sentence. Print Screen, paste it in your favorite photo editor, use the invert color function of the photo editor, and you will see some letters are in different color Password: scream Level 83 Click the white square at the letter "e" when it appears. Drag the picture from the four corners. One of the picture does not have any description Password: Green Square Level 84 Click the sixth "Go" button in the middle, you will find the password Password: 7 (Click the "Go" button at the bottom left) Level 85 Use Alt-Tab trick to click the stars, square, drag the screen, click the star, click the small balls, the year is 2005 Password: 2005 Level 86 Click all the circles (the Alt-Tab trick helps ^^) Password: 86 Level 87 Zoom in the picture Password: zoom zoom Level 88 Assume the upper-left circle is 1. Click the circles in this order: 9, 2, 6, 5, 4, 8, 1, 3, 7, 10 Password: trial and error Level 89 Password: hand Level 90 Clear the password box and click "Go" button Level 92 Password: wall breaker Level 93 Move the mouse pointer in this order: "Green", "Yellow", "Red", "Dark Blue", "Pink", "Light Blue". And you will find the password Password: xx Level 94 Password: count down Level 95 When you click "Go", you will find some letters, A-Z but some of the letters missing, use the missing letters to build the password. When you get the password, type it in, press ENTER Password: elimination Level 96 Password: tricky Level 97 Press the mouse button and move at the black area (and black area only), you can clear the black color Password: 1000 Level 98 Start from fourth square counting from the right at the top, find the path to the exit button Password: path finder Level 99 Right click and then select "Play" in the menu, click "START". Right click and select "Play" again, click the button. Right click and select "Play" again, click the button (you need to be fast this time). Right click and select "Back", you will find the password Password: FRAMES Level 100 This is the matrix for the 16 boxes: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Click the boxes in this sequence (without touching the red area): 07 10 16 02 06 09 12 04 14 13 05 08 11 01 03 15 Password: sequence Level 101 Right click at the right eye and select "zoom in" in the menu until you see the message, "zoom in" at the left eye again, you will see a small red spot, click on it. Resume to normal size and you will find the password Password: EyE Level 102 Type keyboard number key (0-9), re-arrange the cards Password: BOOBIES Level 103 Print screen and use photo editor to set the background in black color, you will find a path to the button, follow the path and click the button Password: your name Level 105 The triangle in the middle of the right hand side is movable, drag is out and pull the screen down to get the password Password: hidden Level 106 Remove the password characters (*), the letter in the screen matches the letter on your keyboard! Password: vrf Level 107 Print screen and paste to an photo editor, you will find the clue of the password. Input the password to the password box (though the password box is very small, you can still input into it :-) Password: lkjhgfdsa Level 108 Move the mouse around and you will see that the mouse pointer changes. Drag the pieces to match the hole and you will see the password Password: (space) Level 109 Move the mouse pointer to the upper-left corner Password: SPACESPACE Level 110 Click "Go" button 20 times Level 111 Drag the screen around, you will find some black blocks, those blocks are letters of the password in a big size Password: QUEST Level 112 Right click, select "Back", and then select "Forward", "Back", "Forward", "Back", "Forward" Password: menu Level 113 Go to the start screen of this game (ie. the screen with "LEVEL JUMP"), print this screen and paste at a photo editor, change the background color Password: BAM Level 114 Drag the screen around, you will find the password in big letter Password: your phone # Level 115 house, ice cream, door, earth, note (ar.. actually i don't know how this level works ^^" anyone knows?) Password: hidden Level 116 Drag all the circle downward, you will find the password Password: Hidden Level 117 Carefully move the mouse pointer to the center and click. (don't worry about the circle which is moving very fast, you can touch that one) Password: patience Level 118 Click the button which is the same color of the background. Type the symbol on the screen (the symbol will be highlighted) Password: colours! Level 119 Right click, select "Rewind" at the menu, input "daisy" for the password Password: daisy Level 120 Print screen, paste to a photo editor, fill color in the squares, rearrange the letters and you will get a math equation Password: 2 Level 121 Right Click on the path area, move the mouse out of the game screen, use the keyboard (up/down key) to select "Forward" in the menu. Repeat these steps until you see the button, go via the path very careful, click the button Password: aMAZEing Level 122 While the big "Play" display, right click and then select "Play" in the menu. A message will be flashed on the screen, use print screen to get the message (My friend said that this method don't work for IE) Password: 3 Level 123 Type "T" (Press on "T"), click the keys which are same color as the squares, and then click the squares, you will find the password Password: SKELETON KEY Level 126 Password: SPEED RACER! Level 127 Zoom in and you will see "Back x 20". Right click and select "Back" in the menu, 20 times Password: SPEED RACER!! Level 128 Print screen, use a photo editor to change the background color, please note that the password of this level is included "(3 exclamation marks)" as part of password Password: SPEED RACER!!! (3 exclamation marks) Level 129 Move the mouse pointer on the red square, drag down, do it many times (30 times?), you can click on the key button and the red square then Password: optical-illusion Level 130 Print screen and paste to a photo editor, change the background color, you will find "+%@", type "+%@". Print screen and paste to a photo editor again. Type "987654321" Level 132 Password: ABCDEFG Level 133 Click 10, 9. Right click, move the mouse pointer outside the game screen, select "Forward" in the menu using the keyboard. Click 8, 7. Right click, move the mouse pointer outside the game screen, select "Back" in the menu using the keyboard. Same idea, the point is move the mouse pointer outside the game screen, click 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then any number at the left screen. Do the "Back" and "Forward" again, you will find the clue Password: zero Level 134 Right click, move the mouse pointer outside the game screen, use keyboard (up/down key) to select "Forward" in the menu. Press the right mouse button, move the mouse pointer inside the circle, release the right mouse button. Repeat these steps again (right click, select "Forward"..."), when there are 3 circles, use the one at the right hand side. Now if your speaker is off, turn it on Password: my voice Level 135 Click the door (need a lot of clicks), a monster come out, click on it. Right click and select "Play" for many times, you will see some letters of a sentence, and it is the hint of password (reverse of reverse) Password: esrever Level 136 Click "1" in Level 136. Click the ear of the captain. You will find the password. Right click and un-select "Play", you can enter the password Password: hidden Level 137 Decrypt the sentence by moving each letter backward, ie. u->t, i->h, f->e... You will get the clue, but the password is NOT "encrypted", but encrypted "encrypted" ^^ Password: fodszqufe Level 138 The light blue rectangle at the bottom right sector can be moved, you will find the clue of the password there Password: THEPASSWORDIS Level 139 The password is already here ^^ Password: one of these 2 colour combos: Level 140 Password: arrows Level 141 Play the hungman, and you get the password Password: nice1 Level 142 Change the display quality to low, print screen and paste to a photo editor. Change the background to white, and then change the background to red, you will see the password Password: 1+3 Level 143 After you see the password, you know why ^^ Password: blue Level 144 The French "deja vu" means "I'd seen it before, I'd already seen it" Password: 144 Level 145 Use Tab key, right-click and select "Back" in the menu, do it repeatedly until you get the password (it seems that the chance to display the password is randomized?) Password: % Level 146 See the red dot at the right hand side? Drag it to bottom left corner, and you will find something red at the upper right corner, drag it, follow the path, finally, drag it to upper right corner. You find another red object again, drag it, follow the center path, you will find a green square, click on it. Go back via the original path, and you will find the clue of password. The password is blank. i.e. clear the password box and click "Go" Password: Level 147 Right click and select "Back" and "Play" to find the clue of password Password: jigsaw Level 148 Move to mouse pointer to the "X" position, print screen, paste to a photo editor. Change the background of the four corners. Add the numbers at the four corners to get the password Password: -44 Level 149 Print screen, paste on a photo editor, color the background color, you will see an arrow pointing to upper-left, it refers to a position of the keyboard Password: ` Level 150 The first screen is black, wait until the blue background, click the lower-right square, DON'T click "Go back", right click and select "Back" in the menu (red background). Click the lower-right square, background changes to green. Click the squares from left to right except the last one, input password "Acemira". Right click and select "Play". Drag the screen. Right click and select "Play". Click "Begin" button, move the mouse. It seems that only "YES" let you go to next level. Level 151 You need to answer the questions in 3 different ways: good, evil and middle to get all 3 parts of the password (i have not verified about that ^^") Password: 2817&46%%#xtlrv Level 152 Right click and select "Play" in the menu repeatedly. Finally, you will find a small sentence at the right hand side, zoom in to read it, it is a clue of the password. To enter the password, right click and select "Back" repeatedly, until it is back to the screen with the cracking lines, input the password Password: hidden Level 153 Ok, i am not sure for everything, but i got something: Print screen and use a photo editor to change the background color. Click the red shapes in a specified sequence and you will clear all of them. Print screen and use a photo editor to change the background color. Right click and select "Back", input the password. The password is "really hidden." (with the period) Why this password is to be found out Password: really hidden. Level 154 Password: © Level 155 Press on the circle (not to release the button), while you see the yellow circle, print screen and paste to photo editor. Change the background color of the circle, you will see the clue of the password. (But it is not the true password) To input the password, click the circle, at the second page, input the password. Password: bUtToNs

What is the secret password of etherena beta?

Although it beats the purpose of skill in the game, I'll post them up in order. Be warned that once you see it, you cannot Unsee it... Level 2- Rockhard ; Level 3- Icerink ; Level 4- Notime ; Level 5- Bunnyhop ;Level 6- Trampoline ; Level 7- Thatsdeep ; Level 8- Gotflu ; Level 9- Blockthis ; Level 10- Jinques ; Level 11- Mustbeivy ; Level 12- Canyouseeme ; Level 13- Blownfuse ; Level 14- Hikick ; Level 15- Rorrim ; Level 16- Getmedown ; Level 17- Toodark ; Level 18- Outlast ; Level 19- Icanfly ; Level 20- Darkfire You sure you want to keep reading the passwords?This one is the master password...You've been warned.. the last one is.......Misfate

Passwords for the never ending level game 70-119?

level 70 (random) level 71 (NEUTRAL) level 72 (button) level 76 (14159265) level 78 (LOYAK) level 79 (3589793) level 80 (password) level 81 (scream) level 82 (rainbow) level 83 (green square) level 84 (7) sorry kinda jumped level 101 (EvE) level 105 (hidden) level 108 (space) level 109 (SPACEPASE) level 115 (hidden) level 117 (patience) level 118 (colours!) level 119 (Daisy) That's as far as i have gotten if you get any further then add on to this answer please!

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