Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are vegetables. They begin with the letters br.
The "Happiness" stat must be high,<br>and then level it up during the day to get an Espeon. <br><br>Happiness can be raised by a number of actions. <br>One of the easiest ways is keeping the Pokemon in your <br>active party for long periods of time, especially taking <br>them through the last battles of the game. Also, ensuring <br>that the Pokemon does not faint, or at least is healed <br>as quickly as possible will raise the stat. <br>Depending on the game, there are other things that can <br>be done as well, such as certain items, side games and <br>activities (Hair cuts, etc.). <br><br>For more info, see a FAQ at <br>
The opposite of slow starting with "br" is "brisk." Brisk is defined as quick and energetic in action or movement. It is a term often used to describe a fast pace or speed.
Brittle is a synonym for fragile. It begins with the letters br.
Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are vegetables. They begin with the letters br.
The symbol for bromine, Br, comes from its Latin name "bromum." The symbol Br is derived from the first two letters of the element's name in Latin.
Ah, what a lovely question. The opposite of hard using a "br" word would be "soft." Just like how delicate brush strokes can create beautiful, gentle landscapes on our canvas. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents.