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Q: What is the opposite of game?
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In the children's game, the opposite is hide.The opposite of seeking could be to not seek(ignore) or the culmination of seeking, which is to find.

What is the opposite of a video game?

a book/ biography

What is the opposite of called?

The opposite position of "called" is heard, answered, or replied.The opposite of a game that is called (stopped) is one that is continued.Given the two basic means of communication, the opposite of called could be wrote.

Is N-game a productive game?

No! You'll be playing that game more than you'll be doing any work. It's the exact OPPOSITE of a productive game!

What is the opposite of Transformice?

There will be a game called Transforcats. I guess thats a opposite of Transformice. Signed by Tannermo P.S. Tannermo is my Transformice username.

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Can you play Nintendo DS games on a Game Boy dvance?

No,but you can do the opposite :) LOL!

What is Opposite Day?

The game "opposite day" is not an actual "day" but a semantics game where everyone says the opposite of what they mean. The amusement often comes from observing others who encounter the players and do not know a game is underway.

What day of the week is opposite day?

Opposite day is every Wednesday.

What is the opposite word for horde?

IRL or in the game? In real life: a large group, multitude, number, etc.; a mass or crowdThe opposite of a large number of people in a group is a singular person.In the game it's a side - Horde vs Alliance. The opposite side from the Horde is the Alliance.

What is the opposite of first person shooter?

There is no straight opposite of a first-person-shooter (FPS). If you mean an opposite in the shooter-category the answer is a third-person-shooter (TPS). When playing a third-person-shooter the player won't be playing the game through the main character's eyes. Frequently, the player is looking over the shoulder of the main character (with or without full power over the camera). When you mean an opposite in gaming categories in general: there is not an opposite of a first-person-shooter, really. It could be a role-playing-game (RPG).