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The only US state that begins with the letter "P" is Pennsylvania.

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Q: What is the only US state beginning with P?
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What is the us state beginning with p?

The only US state that begins with the letter "P" is Pennsylvania.

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Pennsylvania is the only state beginning with a "P".

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· Pennsylvania is the only US state that begins with the letter P

What US states begin with the letter P?

There is only one US state that begins with the letter P. It is Pennsylvania (PA).

Which is the only US state that begins with the letter P?

Pensylvania· Pennsylvania

What is the only us starting with p?

Pennsylvania is the only U.S. state that begins with the letter P. It was the second state to be admitted to the Union when it was admitted on December 12, 1787.

What is the only state in US that starts with the letter P?

Pennsylvania come to mind

What are US states starting with letter P?

Pennsylvania only one state

Only one state begins with p?

There is only 1 US state that begins with P and that's Pennsylvania.Pennsylvania is the home to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Pennsylvania is also home to the Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine.