There is no common English word that is an anagram of TUWAY.
There is no English anagram. They can spell the Spanish word filmará (filmed). With another I, the anagram would be "familiar."
The anagram for the word disease is seaside.This is the only other seven letter word from the letters 'disease'.
Is it "cheating?"
The anagram of the word lived is devil.This is the only possible anagram of the word lived.
An anagram for the word life is file.This is the only possible anagram for the word life.
The anagram of the word continued is unnoticed.
The only English language anagram of the word painless is spaniels.
There is no anagram in English using all of the letters in potato.
The only direct English language anagram of the letters "herett" is "tether".
There is no common English anagram. Without the extra G, the anagram is "dowsing."
The only anagram for the word chesty is scythe.