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The oldest Video Game company is Nintendo! They Started back in the 1889 as a playing card company! They were renamed Nintendo in 1963. They began to make coin-operated Video Games in 1978.In 1981 they began Donkey Kong and became the best selling coin operated machine. Their First Console they sold was called the NES and started to sell in 1985.

To this Day Nintendo is was and still a successful Gaming company that will never be destroyed.

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Q: What is the oldest video game company?
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What is the oldest video game console?

The Magnavox Odyssey (1972) was the first video game console that could be connected to a TV set.

Where do game stores buy their video games from?

Game stores buy their video games from the video game manufacturer's company.

Is Nintendo the oldest video game company?

No, Nintendo is just the oldest home console developers. Sony are older, but they started making consoles after Nintendo so they don't count. Nintendo is the oldest video game company. Nintendo was founded in 1889 and Sony was founded in 1946. Sega was founded in 1940 as Standard Games which would make it older than Sony also. Nintendo has also been in the video gaming business longer than any current company. They started in the video gaming business in 1973 when they released the the light gun arcade game Laser Clay Shooting System. In 1974 Nintendo secured the rights to distribute the Magnavox Odyssey game console (which was the first home video game console) in Japan. In 1977 Nintendo created it's first home console which was called the Color TV Game 6. It was never released outside of Japan. In 1980 they released their first handheld console the Game & Watch. It was a series of 60 different handheld video game units released between 1980 and 1991. The first one released in 1980 was simply named Ball. It was a game where you juggled balls in the air for as long as you could without dropping any.

What was a video game and a home computer company founded in 1972?


Who makes the ratings on video games...Like is there a company or something?

Yes it is the esrb game rating company that decide if the game should be the rating that it is

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