The series A H A L U follows a pattern of adding 4 letters in alphabetical order. Starting with A, we add 4 letters to get H, then another 4 to get L, and another 4 to get U. Following this pattern, the next letter in the series would be adding 4 letters to U, which gives us the letter Y.
The series appears to be following a pattern where the letters are increasing in alphabetical order, skipping some letters. The pattern is A (skipping B) D (skipping E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) O (skipping P) Q. Therefore, the next letter in the series should be R.
what is the next letter e h l q
The next letter is D. The pattern is every fourth letter. Ie. a b c D e f g H i j k L m n o P and so on...
The next letter is W. (From E to H it skips two letters, then three, then four, so in this case it should skip 5, which gets us to W.)
H, O, N. T S P and H are the first letters in order for a three sided, four sided and five sided polygon. Triangle. Square. Pentagon and Hexagon. The next polygon is seven sided, a Hexagon. A polygon with eight sides is an Octagon. Lastly, for this puzzle, a nine sided polygon is Nonagon. :)
H was the highest series letter for 1935 silver certificates. Please check your bill again. Remember, the series letter on a bill appears next to the date, it's not the prefix letter on the serial number.
T (letters without curves)
The series appears to be following a pattern where the letters are increasing in alphabetical order, skipping some letters. The pattern is A (skipping B) D (skipping E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) O (skipping P) Q. Therefore, the next letter in the series should be R.
the letter i.
I is the next letter.