the next city with a gym is Azelea town it has bugzy as the leader
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
The Gym is in Violet City. Leader: Faulkner, Flying Type
On the path too the left of Violet city, someone will give it to you.
A hiker will give it to you on route 36 which is west of violet city.
Violet City, if you are entering the city from the east, go west until you hit a house surrounded by trees, in there.
Right Next To Violet City.
The gym is right next to the pokemart you can't miss it.
violet city
Go in Violet City and into the gym.
you have to beat the elder at violet city
You only have to go north when you get to Violet City and you will find it north of the Violet City Gym.
on the far left in the city
go north to dark cave than west to violet city
ANSWER: you shut up
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
Routes 22, 28, 30, and 31, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Mt. Silver, Viridian City, and Cerulean Cave.
It is south of Violet City and east of Azalea, or in other words it's the cave between Violet City and Azalea Town.