Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.
no one yet.
Nothing they just made a new series nothing in Yugioh Disapears.
Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website
Well due to my calculations Yugioh Exiled force will be coming out soon because Yugioh 5ds after this season which there on when it bes finished its going to be Yugioh exiled force and its about this ancient card called exiled force and this boy called harris will get it and defeat the king of games well hate to prove the calculations wrong but Yugioh: Exiled Force is not a real series at all. Kazuki Takahashi had intentions of ending the franchise after GX but because of increased fanbase he decided to create 5D's, which is the last series in the franchise.
There is no season 5 sadly. The next series after Yugioh GX is Yugioh 5D's.
Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.
the owners of yugioh are Kazuki Takashi.
Yugioh the abridged series is a parody on the real yugioh show. the makers are usually banned for copyright though:P
Yugioh :)
I do!
In the series Yugioh, Yugi is 16 years old. In the series Yugioh GX, he is 26 years old because in Yugioh GX, Domino City is 10 years into the furture in Yugioh.
Yugioh the original , took place in normal time. Yugioh GX took place 10 years in the future. Yugioh 5D's, takes place 500 years in the future after Yugioh GX.
no one yet.
check on facebook or uktcg
It was removed.