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Q: What is the next Pokemon after Dialga and Palkia?
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Related questions

What are Palkia's and Dialga's evolutions?

Palkia and Dialga do not evolve. Legendary Pokemon don't evolve. Palkia and Dialga are both legendary Pokemon that appeared in the game Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum, so they do not evolve. By Allen306 That is wrong my friend palkia and dialga do evolve Palkia evolves into ducbag Dialga evolves into ashole

What is the next Pokemon movie?

One featuring Arceus,Giratina,Dialga and palkia.

Who is after Palkia in Pokemon platinum?

After Palkia you get Dialga

Dialga in Pokemon Pearl?

no, dialga is in pokemon diamond. PALKIA is the one in pokemon pearl

How do you get Dialga or Palkia on Pokemon Pearl?

You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.

Pokemon platinum how do you get Palkia and Dialga?

You dont palkia and dialgia get you

Who is the coolest Pokemon Palkia Dialga or Giratina?

I think it is Palkia

How is the best Pokemon?

palkia and dialga

Where are the legend Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl?

palkia, not dialga

What Pokemon is on the cover of Pokemon Diamond?

palkia and dialga

Is Dialga the rarest Pokemon?

actually yes theres three rare Pokemon and that's dialga,palkia,and darkrai actually yes theres three rare Pokemon and that's dialga,palkia,and darkrai actually yes theres three rare Pokemon and that's dialga,palkia,and darkrai

Can you get all the legendary Pokemon except Palkia on Pokemon diamond?

yes you can but it is dialga not palkia