The Xbox 1 is the newest Xbox as of January 2014.
xbox 360 elite
the elite
Xbox 360 S 4 GB - $199.99 (Does not include limited edition versions)
The Xbox, and Xbox360 can be purchased online. The newest release Xbox 1 is also available online,at retail web sites and Amazon. If there is an Xbox that you are interested in , it can be found online.
The Xbox 1 is the newest Xbox as of January 2014.
The color of the Xbox does not affect whether it is the newest version of the xbox. So no you cannot say that the "black" 360 is the newest.
xbox 360 elite
Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox 360 Slim(the newest one)
the elite
Topspin 4
Until they come out with their newest xbox...i would guess...
Final Fantasy XI is the newest game you can play on xbox.
Xbox 360 S 4 GB - $199.99 (Does not include limited edition versions)
slim newest and best right now