Pokemon soulsilver/heartgold versions now but in February black/white
It depends in which Pokemon game, but in the newest games (Diamond/Pearl) You will need to earn badges to get a higher level for them to obey. if you have all 8, all Pokemon will obey you.
pokemon galactic battles
F1 2010 is the newest
right now the newest halo game is "halo reach" I got it today. You should get it
The newest Pokemon game is black and white for that is your answer.
The newest Pokemon Ranger game would be currently "Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs".
The newest game out on ds is Pokemon black or white.
probably Pokemon heatgold and soulsilver
The newest Pokemon ranger game is Pokemon ranger: Guardian Signs.
The most recent Pokemon Game for the Gameboy Advanced and SP is Pokemon Emerald.
The newest Pokemon games can be found at the official Pokemon website. The information is also available from Nintendo, or at various gaming sites.
Yes as of right now Pokemon X and Y are the newest ones.
No, Because fire red is like the first Pokemon game and the oldest old and Pokemon diamon is the second newest Pokemon game out there. Sorry, but you cant trade
It is the newest Pokemon game, the first one on the Wii. You can interact with it and diamond/pearl.
Pokemon soulsilver/heartgold versions now but in February black/white