You can only pet your dog and cat if you have the Touch Screen Gloves which you can buy.
the pet shop is a online store to own pet what to buy a thing for they dog or cat
yes you just click the dog with the plus select a pet and click the new gender
The Secret Code for the Littlest Pet Shop Online Dancing Dog is: APNQ-YSAL-LXRH-V4XC Type the dashes in too!!!!!!!
My mother's pet dog is loved by her.
Now, like an only pet. Or as Talking said to the little girl's mother after killing the step-dad "my name is Talking TIna and you'ld better be nice to me."
Jose Rizal's pet dog's name was Usman.
His boyhood pet dog.
Her Dog Cocoa
Patty! :)
the dogs name is doggie?
Srk's pet dog is Chewbacca...
The Hart's pet dog was " Freeway ".