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An electrician.

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Q: What is the name of a person who deals with electronics?
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Related questions

What do you call a person who deals with electronics?

The proper title would be an Electronics Technician. An electrician deals strictly with residential, automotive or industrial electricity.

How many times a day does a person use something that deals with electronics?

It probily depends on how old you are

Is electronics and communication and electronics and telecommunication the same?

Electronics and communication and electronics and telecommunication are same but they have little difference. Electronics and communication deals with all type of communication technologies while the Telecommunication branch deals with only telecommunication those are- Telephony Telegraphy.

Name of person related electronics and electricity?

Benjamin Franklin

What is the medical name giving to a person who deals with skin?


What are a few Cyber Monday laptop deals in 2011?

Check out your local bestbuy or frys electronics they always have the best deals on laptops especially frys electronics they do the best deals in town depending on if you have one or not, if not check out walmart.

Who said that electrical engineers deals with bulk current flow and electronics engineers deals with electrons emission?

A: I DID electrical is a study of current flow. electronics is a study of electrons emission.

What area of technology deals with music recorders and players?


Where can people find printer electronics?

You can find printer electronics and many different office stores as well as big name department stores. Although I have found that sometimes you can find better deals at online stores.

Where can I find deals on Samsung tablets?

You can find deals on Samsung tablets and other electronics at big box electronics stores such as Best Buy and Future Shop. Stores such as Walmart and Target also offer good deals on tablets and laptops.

Where you buy electronics product very cheap?

go to they have the best deals on electronics. or you can go for very cheap prices on all electronics specially on marine electronics

Difrens between elctrical and elctronics?

Electronics deals with the light current while Electrical deals with the heavy current.