Mediterranean Sea is a large sea.
katydid is large green insect that resembles a grasshopper.
An albicore is a large marine fish, Latin name Thunnus alalunga, from warm seas, possessing edible flesh.
That would be the 1-up mushroom.
A Caesar's mushroom is an edible mushroom with a distinctive orange cap, with the Latin name Amantita caesarea.
A birch bolete is a form of edible mushroom, Latin name Leccinum scabrum.
Agaricus bisporus is a widely cultivated edible mushroom known as the common button mushroom or white mushroom. It belongs to the Agaricus genus within the Basidiomycota phylum of fungi.
The scientific name for mushrooms is "Agaricus bisporus." This is the most common edible mushroom species used in cooking.
An amethyst deceiver is a brightly-coloured form of edible mushroom, Latin name Laccaria amethystina.
An amethyst deceiver is a brightly-coloured form of edible mushroom, Latin name Laccaria amethystina.
Allium cepa, the botanical name for the Onion
Red currant is an edible berry. It begins with the letters Re.