You can grow them if you have the mushroom shed, but you can get them in the feilds in autumn
You grow mushrooms in the mushroom shed. You can get shiitake spores from vesta and to get toadstool and matsutake you need to put that mushroom in the seed maker.
It's the brown mushroom that you can get in the fall or by growing it in your mushroom house.
it just randomly appears in gotz construction shop i got it after i had the bird shed and animal shed
It grows wild in Autumn. You can find it in any field. You can also grow it once you have the 'Mushroon Shed' and a Seed Maker. Just toss one or two into the seed maker, and go sow your seeds on the lumber in the Mushroom Shed.
You can grow them if you have the mushroom shed, but you can get them in the feilds in autumn
You grow mushrooms in the mushroom shed. You can get shiitake spores from vesta and to get toadstool and matsutake you need to put that mushroom in the seed maker.
if you have got them in the mushroom shed, you let them grow massive. then you can pick them and they will grow back. it starts over again.
you have to chop a piece of lumber then put it on 1 of the platforms then go to Vesta's to buy the seeds and continue as if any other crop.
It's the brown mushroom that you can get in the fall or by growing it in your mushroom house.
You buy it from Gotz construction
you have to get the cheese maker and his shed
it just randomly appears in gotz construction shop i got it after i had the bird shed and animal shed
you walk up to a mushroom and click A when you are standing i front of it
It grows wild in Autumn. You can find it in any field. You can also grow it once you have the 'Mushroon Shed' and a Seed Maker. Just toss one or two into the seed maker, and go sow your seeds on the lumber in the Mushroom Shed.
No. Harvest Moon DS is for the DS only. There are other Harvest Moon games for the Wii.