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There is no such thing as "the most powerful". It depends on the deck you run; weak monsters can execute incredibly powerful combos. Infernity Archfiend and XX-Saber Emmersblade are two such examples; they perform terrific combinations with other cards while being rather lackluster in stats. The cards in the game that inspire fear into other players hearts are those like Dark Armed Dragon, Judgment Dragon, Infernity Launcher, XX-Saber Faultroll, Blackwing Armor Master, and other cards that define metagames.

If you are just going for the "brute force" tactic and looking for the most powerful cards in terms of attack, the current two Yugioh cards with the highest printed attack points are Five-Headed Dragon and Dragon Master Knight, both of which have 5000 ATK. Other monsters such as Armityle the Chaos Phantasm can get up to 10,000 ATK.

In the anime, the most powerful cards would probably be those in the Orichalcos series, as they're incredibly powerful and are just too broken for use in the real game. Divine Serpent is one example (infinite ATK? what?) The God Cards are pretty darn powerful too, but they're difficult to get out. Yugi makes it look easy. It's not. Yugi stacks his deck. ;D

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Horakhti the Creator God of Light is the most powerful FICTIONAL card in the game, which is summoned by fusing all three of the Egyptian gods.

Exodia is the most powerful card in YuGiOh, once all the pieces of Exodia are in your hands (meaning literally in your hands it's not a figure-of-speech) you win the game.

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