The most expensive petpet is the Krawk but a neopet called featherally has the only spoppy iii in the world.The krawks the most expensive one you can get.
Petpet Park is a fun online website where you can make your own Petpet and play mini games, make friends, chat, and more!
Petpet Park and Neopets do not have ANY Neopoint cheats. So no, there is not a cheat.
he is in the laughing springs
go to town square and search
it is buried by the post office
Just like u get a petpet...however they are very expensive also you have to have a petpet first to give them to your neopet
PetPets can be bought from other users, bought from the stores, or won from the dailies. A quick way to get a PetPet is through the Shop Wizard, or for more expensive ones, the Trading Post.
Well now the MOST popular petpet in petpet park in the pinxiy . Dont believe me? CHeckit out ur self.
The Petpet Plaza is found by easily looking in your map on Petpet park.
You have to get a paint brush by buying it or just getting it in a random event. You can buy most in the shop wizard. Then you go to the petpet puddle and choose the petpet you wish to change. You must have the petpet attached to one of your pets.
At the Petpet Emporium.
You don't.
That petpet is called a Fungree.
All of the sailberries are located in Petpet Plaza, the place with the Petpet Mall.
Market Lane
in the petpet station
you buy them from the petpet shops which are all over neopia