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Q: What is the most dangerous mob in minecraft?
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What mob does the most damage in Minecraft?


What was the most recent added minecraft mob?

they just added bats.

How do you get spawns in minecraft pe?

by using spawn eggs or mob spawners with a mob in them

What is an ender man?

a monster mob in minecraft

What is the most dangerous mod on minecraft pe?

i need help!

What is the first mob in Minecraft?

The first mob in Minecraft was the Human, which could be spawned by pressing G and looked like Steve. It was later removed in Classic.

Can you make a horse in Minecraft?

Horses are not a mob yet in Minecraft, but they are available on Mo' Creatures.

What mob do you use a saddle on in minecraft pe?


How can you change a mob spawner in minecraft whithout mods?

that depends on the version and edition of minecraft you are playing.

How can you get a mob in Minecraft Xbox edition?

you cant yet sorry

What is the most dangerous sword in minecraft?

Enchanted with 999999999 sharpness on a diamond sword. This is possible with plugins.

What kind of mob does the mob spawner spawn on minecraft?

Mob spawners can spawn several mobs. Currently, they only spawn zombies, skeletons, spiders, and cave spiders. If you are using a mod, or MCedit, you can change them to whatever mob you want! There should also be a steve mob on MCedit.