

Best Answer

AE and AI are the most likely (12 As, 9 Es, 9 Is)

OE is also very common (12 Es, 8 Os)

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Q: What is the most common pairs of letters in word scrabble?
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Are all scrabble letters made of wood?

No. Most are made of plastic these days.

What is the most used alphabet in the English language?

the English letter frequency sequence is "ETAON RISHD LFCMU GYPWB VKXJQ Z", the most common letter pairs are "TH HE AN RE ER IN ON AT ND ST ES EN OF TE ED OR TI HI AS TO", and the most common doubled letters are "LL EE SS OO TT FF RR NN PP CC".

What are the most often letters used in English?

E is the most common, with T coming in second and A third.

Can you unscramble this word taotlmses?

There is no one-word anagram. The letters spell many word pairs such as total mess, most tales, and lost steam.

Should the Wheel of Fortune keep its letters in the bonus round why or why not?

Of course The letters that they give you are the most common to be used. Then you choose your own

Wheel of Fortune R S T L why?

you forgot the letter n and together they make up the commonly used letters except for the vowels. That way the person can choose the next common 3 the letters D, G, & H or choose there own. Most scrabble players already know this from the point value of the letters.