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figure it out. HA! jk, say "okay" before saying something is in the moon club

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You can not do the moon walk on Club Penguin unless you are using Penguin Storm by MicroChip123. Even then people will not be able to see you doing it.

When did Moon - video game - happen?

Moon - video game - happened in 2009.

Who can make you a game like club penguin?

To make a game like Club Penguin, you have to make a game like Club Penguin! Sheesh I can't believe you didnt' know that!

How do you make a moon on club penguin?

There is no function like this.

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They currently do not have a favorite game on club penguin.

When was The Club - video game - created?

The Club - video game - was created on 2008-02-07.

Where are the team backgrounds on Club Penguin?

you need the game on the wii - club penguin game day

Is there such thing as Club Penguin Wii Game?

its coming to wii this September the game on the wii will be called club penguin game day

How do you get into the woddrob in Club Penguin?

you have to have the ds club penguin game