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A measure of a good person is how well they treat others.

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Q: What is the measure of a good person?
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What is the measure of a person?

A measure of a good person is how well they treat others.

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a plato

What do you think is the good heart?

A person with a good heart has faith, hope and most of all love. A person who can control his tongue, a person who is empathetic, a person who helps when they see the need and has the ability to relieve that suffering, a person who refrains from destructive criticism, a person who does not judge others, a person who repays harm with good. A person who remembers that God uses the same measure to judge us and the measure we use to judge others, a person who is quick to forgive.

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Draw is to map, as measure is to room. A person can draw a map, just like a person can measure a room.

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Lending an object to someone is not possible without a certain measure of trust for that person. Thus, I fully believe that there are no "good" methods for lending. It is simply that if you do not trust a certain person enough to lend him anything, then do not do it.

Utility is the measure of?

Utility is the measure of satisfaction or benefit that individuals derive from consuming a good or service. It quantifies the value or usefulness that a specific product or service provides to a consumer.

Does management science measure person exactly?

Yes.. though it cant measure 100% accurately but somehow its made to measure person with fullest.

What si unit would you use to measure a person?

measured in kg

What does IQ measure for?

I Q measure for the smartness and cleaver of the person