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Any single stat can be upgraded to a maximum of 99

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Q: What is the maximum amount of points that you can put into a single skill in Dark Souls?
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How do you level up in dark souls?

At a campfire, it will give you a level up option. You can spend your collected souls on a stat upgrade. Each single stat upgrade increases your character level by one.

What are the souls on bleach called?

Plus souls are the good souls and Hollows are the bad souls

Is dark souls the prequal to demon souls?

Demon Souls is the 1st of the series, with Dark Souls being second. Storyline wise, Demon Souls is also before Dark Souls.

Why are airplane passengers called souls?

This is only a US and possibly other US areas, in Europe we use "persons" not souls. This is used when asking a pilot for details of the amount of people on board his/her aircraft. SOB and POB (Souls on board) (People on board). This was derived from nautical terminology where they were slightly ambivalent to define who was actually alive.

What are the properties of the Silver Pendant in the game Dark souls?

The Silver Pendant in the game Dark Souls can deflect dark sorcery for about three seconds. While this isn't a very long amount of time, the number of times the pendant can be used is unrestricted.

What is the homophone for souls?

The homophone for the word souls is soles.

Does Katie pearce have a soul?

no, I don't she does, she sound's like a bit of a weirdo if you ask me...and often weirdo's don't have souls. She use to be ginger. Gingers have souls. who have souls souls? hmm, souls.

You are one of the best souls or souls'?

You are one of the best souls. (the other way is not english...inncorrect grammer,,,it would be saying you have multiple souls)

When was Souls of We created?

Souls of We was created in 2007.

Is there such a thing as twin souls?

No, souls don't exist.

What did hades do with the souls?

Hades oversees the souls in the Underworld.

When was Good Souls created?

Good Souls was created in 2001.