you need to make the blue dye and the red dye and use them on each other
mix red and blue dye Red dye- redberries blue dye- woad leaves
Find and mine some 'Lapis Lazuli'. This is blue dye, and mix it with red dye, which can be obtained by putting a red flower into the crafting table, then put both the lapis and the red dye into the crafting table to make purple.
You can craft things with Lapis like: A Lapis Lazuli block, light blue dye, cyan dye, purple dye, magenta dye and blue wool. You can check out Minecraft Wiki for some help and tips.
Mine some Lapis Lazuli and pick some roses. Put the roses in a crafting slot to make 'Rose Red', then craft Rose Red and Lapis Lazuli together to make 2 units of Purple Dye.
Red #40 is NOT made from beetles. You are thinking of another red dye. Red 40 is made from petroleum.
Yes, you can dye orange material purple by using a purple fabric dye. Follow the instructions on the dye packaging for best results. Keep in mind that the original orange color may affect the final shade of purple achieved.
purple dye was often collected from oysters and shellfish making it more difficult tlo aquire and thus more luxuriouse to wear.
They made a purple dye from shellfish.
Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.Well, not Cleopatra herself, but her slaves did. The purple dye of the ancient royalty was Tyrian purple, which was made from various sea snails or marine mollusks.
A type of rotten mussel shell produced a purple colored dye. The shell was boiled and the color extracted to dye clothing.
vegetable dye
The material used could be made of wool and the dye that can be used is Acid Dyes. In case the material is made of blends of wool and polyester, the dye to be used will be Acid Dye for wool and Disperse Dye for Polyester. In case the material is made of cotton, the dye is Vat Dye and if blends of cotton na polyester, the dye to be used will be Vat Dye and Disperse Dye.
The snails made a rich purple dye, which was used for clothing
The Greeks labelled them after their word for purple, after the signature purple dye they made from the murex shellfish.
The purple dye made from shellfish.
no, your natural hair can be any color to dye it purple.