The longest common English word you can make from the top line of your keyboard or qwertyuiop is typewriter (10 letters).The longest possible word is rupturewort, a type of plant (11 letters).The longest slang word using all letters only once is wipeout (7 letters). The longest formal words have six letters : equity, poetry, purity, pyrite, torque, troupe and qwerty (it means the kind of keyboard we are now using).
1,909 letters in the longest word
The longest word in the English Language is Pneumonoultramicroscophicsilicovolcanoconiosis
The longest word that can be made up from the letters "qwertyuiop" is the following:Typewriter
Find the line of symmetry
SWIMS, OHIO, passed, dollop
H, A, V, and E have line of symmetry
line segment
The line of symmetry was not a perfect fit
No. DAY is a word typed in upper case letters. It is not a line - whether of symmetry or otherwise.
mint is a word that is a vertical.
Which best describes the line of symmetry in the letter d
z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry.