The longest word in the english language is 189,819 letters long. The word itself is another name for titin, the largest known protein.
1,909 letters in the longest word
The longest word in the English Language is Pneumonoultramicroscophicsilicovolcanoconiosis
The longest word that can be made up from the letters "qwertyuiop" is the following:Typewriter
The longest word starting with E is Electroencephalographically.
Extraterritoriality is the longest word in the English language beginning with "ex."
Nghiên - meaning "inclined". 7 letters. That's the longest one-syllable word in Vietnamese
PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­CONIOSIS is the longest word in the Chambers, Webster's and Random House dictionaries. It is seen by some other dictionaries as a joke or "made up word purely for the purpose of inventing the longest word". The meaning of this word is "a lung disease caused by breathing volcanic dust".
The longest adjective in French is "anticonstitutionnellement," which means "unconstitutionally."
Arabic starts us off with the shortest longest word at 20 letters: فأسقيناكموه , or ' fa'asqaynaakumoohu, meaning "Did we ask you to give it to us to drink?" Next is the Spanish word electroencefalografistas meaning "electroencephalograph technicians" at 24 letters.
It is the longest non-medical word in the English languagefloccipausinihilipilification is a 29 letters word which means "the act of estimating as worthless."*Mark B wrote: The longest non-medical word in the English Language is not "floccipausinihilipilification" (29 letters) but rather"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (45 letters) meaning "apneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust "
1,909 letters in the longest word
no, pneumonoultramicroscopicosillicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word.
The longest word in Kannada is "ಅಂತರಪರಿಮಳನೀಯತ್ವಕ್ಕೆ", which translates to "for incomprehensibleness."
The longest word with y in it is Rythms. sorry if that dissapoints you.
The longest word in the English Language is Pneumonoultramicroscophicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Nonmodal is MAYBE the longest word.