Regirock Regice Registeel Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Latias Latios Jirachi Deoxys
Ho-oh and Lugia (Navel Rock) Celebi Mew (nintendo Event)
In Diamond and Pearl:
Uxie Azelf Melsprit Heatran Regigigas Darkrai Cresselia Shaymin Manaphy Arceus
In Leaf Green and Fire Red:
Zapdos Articuno Moltres Entei Raikou Suicune Ho-oh (Navel Rock) Lugia (Navel Rock) Deoxys (Birth Island) Mewtwo Mew (Nintendo Event) Celebi
Almost all pokemon with evolutions can be bred. Legendaries can not though.
the legendaries can be found when you defeated all gyms
all except unow and all legendaries
200 Pokemon is all the emerald Pokemon to get more beat elite four and get national dex
how to get all the tickets in Pokemon emerald?
all the legendaries and how to get them here
Including the event only's here are the legendaries in emerald: Latios/Latias, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Regice, Registeel, Regirock, Mew.
All of them except pre evolved Pokemon such as pichu also legendaries including latios and latias.
yes all starter pokeon can have eggs with ditto, all Pokemon really just not legendaries.
All but legendaries can have an egg w/ a ditto, and you can even get an egg from a male starter without having to have a female
Well, there isn't really any ''good'' water Pokemon. Legendaries are always strong, and a great one is kyrogue, which you can get in Pokemon emerald. It really all depends on which moves the Pokemon knows
No, you can't find all the legendaries in Diamond. There isn't a Pokemon game with all the legendaries in it. You can capture 8 legendaries in Diamond, f you want all the legendaries, you'll need to visit events, trade or migrate them.
Here are all the legendaries you can get without cheats: Groudon, Kyogre, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Rayquaza, Latios/Latias.
All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.
No, you can't get all of the Legendaries in Pokémon HeartGold although you could trade all of the Legendaries in.
That would be Groudon and Rayquaza. They are both on the list of 2nd most powerful Pokemon (In all over stats at level 100) after Arceus. The list also includes all the other legendaries that are on covers as well as Mewtwo.