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Well you know the strongest attack it's called yo face

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Q: What is the list of Pokemon TM's?
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Related questions

How maney tms are in Pokemon Gold?

there are 50 TMs in Pokemon gold, and 7 HMs

Will all of the TMs that were in X and Y be available as TMs in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?

Yes, all the TMs that were in Pokemon X and Y will be available as TMs in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

How do you sell tms in Pokemon Black?

the pokemart part of a Pokemon center you can sell HMS or tms you don't need TMs cannot be sold in Black and White.

Are TMs and HMs unlimited in Pokemon Black and White?

Yes both TMs and HMs have unlimited uses in Pokemon Black and White.

What are all the TMs in Pokemon Diamond?

There are tons, here is a web site that I use for everything Pokemon related. But here is the site that tells you where TMs are, you can explore it further if you would like. The TMs part is more than half way down the page. Hope this helps. If you have any other question feel free to email me at Label the subject as Pokemon Pearl and Diamond question or it will get marked as junk.

Pokemon dimond all Pokemon learn all TMs and HMS?


Can you make up your own TM move on Pokemon diamond?

No, you have to either find TMs, or buy TMs.

Can you migrte Pokemon with hm or TM?

you can't migrate Pokemon that have an hm but you can with Pokemon with tms

Which TMs put Pokémon to sleep in Pokémon Silver?

AnswerWhile a number of TMs in Pokemon Silver take advantage of the Sleep status, only one move actually puts Pokemon to sleep. TM44 - Rest, when used by a Pokemon, will put the user Pokemon to sleep for a number of turns. No TMs available in Pokemon Silver will put your opponent to sleep.

Where do you get TM rollout in Pokemon FireRed?

Rollout is not one of the TMs in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen.

How do you get all the tms on Pokemon pearl?

you use action replay

The strongest tms in Pokemon pearl?

Earthquake and hyper beam